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Monsoon Wind Power

The First Wind Energy in Laos & Largest Wind Farm in ASEAN

600 MW

Installed Capacity - Largest Wind Farm

in Southeast Asia


Wind Power Project

in Lao PDR


Cross-Border (Lao-Vietnam)

Renewable Project in Asia


Southern Laos as a Strategic Location

Our project is located on the Dak Cheung Plateau, an area renowned for its exceptional wind resources, making it a prime location for clean energy production. Situated in the Sekong and Attapeu provinces of Southern Laos, this region boasts unspoiled natural beauty and incredible biodiversity. It is also home to diverse ethnic communities, adding to the rich cultural tapestry of the area. We are dedicated to preserving the environment and enhancing the well-being of local villagers through sustainable development.

  • 31 Villages

  • 250 ha Land use area

  • 1,200 M Elevation above sea level

Sustainable Development


Tons of Co2 offset over project life time


Householders are provided clean energy per year

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Contact Us



Vientiane Capital Office:

No. 004, Unit 01, Xieng Yuen Village, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR


Construction Office:

Dak Rant Village, Dak Cheung District, Sekong Province


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